May 6, 2007 by



Categories: General

some numbers

time spent studying for final: 10 hours

time spent driving to and from final: 90 minutes

time spent taking final: 49 minutes


great america

on saturday, i went to great america for dianna’s birthday. i had (perhaps) too much fun. i definitely had too much food. but how can you resist a soft-serve dole whip? you cannot! i did ride the delirium 3 times. man, i wish i’d ridden it more and the vortex less. no more vortex ever again, i hate that ride.

here are pictures from the day. and happy birthday again, dianna-giraffe!

7 Responses to weekend

  1. Dianna

    Or, rather, here!

    Yay for pictures! Thank you for going and for photographing. I had a splendid time and now have a splendid sunburn and a splendid collection of bruises from various ill-fitting restraining devices.

  2. katie

    I wish we had ridden the Delirium all day, and the pirate boat not at all. Also, my ears got pretty darn boxed on that Vortex. So sorry you spent hours studying for your final instead of having Mexican food with us and watching Sean bond with the waitress by almost killing her.

  3. Dianna

    Oh, no, that wouldn’t do at all. I could have had at least two more pirate boat rides in me if I hadn’t ruined everything with that blasted Delirium. Seriously, which is cooler? Pirates or just some creepy hallucinations? PIRATES. Especially upside-down pirates.

  4. michele

    next time, katie, next time we shall never get off the delirium. we shall take over the controls! the world will be ours–upside down!

    dude! what did sean do the waitress?

    happily, i probably got an A on that final, so it was maybe all worth it in the end.

  5. sean

    I swung my right arm in the air for no reason, frightening the waitress and smacking her tray of drinks, which she miraculously did not drop. Afterward, she brought us free quesadillas, proving that nothing bonds a waitress and patron like a near-death experience.

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