May 11, 2007 by

baby mammals


Categories: General

this morning i went to see ellie’s new baby: lucas. he is impossibly tiny. i held him though and totally didn’t break him.

then i went to the animal rescue foundation and picked up 6 baby kittens and their momma to foster for five weeks. they are even more impossibly tiny than lucas and wiggle around on their bellies because their legs aren’t fully developed. their tiny eyelids are squished closed still and they’ve still got bits of umbilical cord attached. a nauseating odor of rancid blood and poop hangs around them. man, if not for the smell, i would be in heaven. i’m trying to ignore it. i feel, given 24 hours, that i can block my brain to it and experience only the cuteness of baby baby kittens.

prepare yourselves, sushi readers, for this website is no doubt going to be prone to kitten news and kitten photos in the upcoming weeks.

p.s. my cousin’s baby, isabella:

5 Responses to baby mammals

  1. didofoot

    Michele: You’re not supposed to handle them too much, or it might make the mom reject them and stop feeding them.

    Me: So in this case, holding a fuzzy kittie might actually cause the fuzzy kitty to die. An interesting dilemma — pet the cat and kill the cat? or leave the cat alone?

    Michele: Dilemma?

  2. katie

    I didn’t notice the mittens until Dianna pointed them out. They are like oven mitts on that kid. Ridiculous, but so cute.

    Not quite as cute as that kitten foot with the little pink pads, though. Especially because I can’t smell the blood and poop.

  3. nuala

    So it’s like having the chicken pox and your mom makes you wear oven mits, but you’ve just been born…hmmmm….the things I never knew about newborns

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