May 21, 2007 by

more baby mammals


Categories: General

i can’t help it, my life is just full of the babies right now.

my brother and erin are going to have a baby boy. no confirmed name yet. some horrible floating possibilities are dylan, evan, and devin. i attempted to substitute ethan or nathan but got shot down. although i did then get to reminisce with jason about ethan from UPS that was friends with jason (inappropriate retching noises cough cough). man, that ethan guy was hot. and a soccer player. and oddly willing to be friendly to me.

something that is not hot is this ultrasound photo of my nephew gestating.

eaugh!!! it’s like an alien with the eyeballs staring and the empty looking brain pan and just the absolute horror of a spinal column GROWING INSIDE OF YOUR BODY. freaks me the fuck out, i’m not ashamed to admit it.

let me help you wash that image from your collective consciousness with kittens.

more kitten pictures here.

if anyone wants to come see the kittens, i’ll have them another month. and if you know anyone looking to adopt, they will be up for grabs at ARF in june.

4 Responses to more baby mammals

  1. michele

    move here!

    or come up for a visit anyway. i’ll have them till june 15, i think. and then that weekend is when i’m going to the beach in oregon (which maybe you are coming to, yes?) you could drive up with us and fly home from portland.

    and maybe willoughby needs a friend!

  2. Dianna

    Oh my goodness. I’ve never seen such a heap of helpless squirmy fluff.

    That baby picture is really damned scary. I’ll continue to take kitties over babies any day, thank you.

  3. michele

    ugh, but can you imagine what the kitten ultrasound would have looked like? SIX spinal columns inside of you. *shudder*

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