May 22, 2007 by

and they spell out libido for me

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Categories: General

(i would say that the names were changed for the sake of the innocent, but i’m the only innocent bystander in this situation i feel, so really the names were changed to protect me from eventual lawsuits.)

deb and taryn, aged 16 and 17 respectively, are taking love-o-meter quizzes on the internet in front of the counter where i sit. deb turns to me, where i’m happily minding my own business, to ask a question.

“michele! what does L-I-B-I-D-O mean?”

“uh…libido means sex drive.”

“ooooooo! i’ve got a big one!”

(me mumbling) “oh my god.”

this, mind you, is the same girl who told me her doctor said she should masturbate more because she’s too horny.

i have to say, my life is both horrifying and delightfully quixotic. maybe the absurdly sexy 17 year old boy will stay till 6 in here alone with me again today. he was born in 1989. 1989! he didn’t even experience the 80’s!

One Response to and they spell out libido for me

  1. michele

    addendum: in conversation with kristen this evening, i remembered another fascinating tidbit about this deb girl. she’s also the one who refuses to have sex because, in her own words, “i don’t want someone laying on top of me, BREATHING on me. that’s disgusting.”

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