May 25, 2007 by



Categories: General

Hi Michele,

I enjoyed your history of the books and libraries in Santa Barbara very much. Your thematic approach to the paper was original and effective and it allowed you to view SBPL within a wider historical framework, which was just what I hoped people would do. I was delighted that you looked at local history materials and newspaper articles to understand the people and issues involved in Santa Barbara’s history as well as compared these materials to the writings of others during the time period. How smart to take a look at Harriet Eddy’s writings on county library organizing. I bet you were thrilled to see her assessment of Mrs. Linn.

In all this is a well researched, nicely written, and perceptive research paper. You’re an excellent historian! I’m creating a collection of library histories done in this class and would love to add your paper to it. Let me know if that’s ok.

Paper 30 points [out of 30]

Final 13.7 [out of 14]

Total 95.9/A- [curse it for ruining my 4.0, but that’s ok! an A- is A-ok!]

this paper, mind you, i spent 36 hours writing right before it was due (um, ok minus like 15 hours of sleeping. i like sleep). i pulled a muscle in my hand and had to alternately type furiously and ice it because it was so painful. it was 31 pages long by the end and i had like 50 references. and then i tried to upload it and the electricity in my entire neighborhood went out (including street lights all the way down on center) and i was an hour late turning it in. yey for still getting full credit! and effusive praise! and being a historian!

7 Responses to boo-yah!

  1. sean

    How is 95.9 not a solid A?

    Also, your library history is going into a library of library histories? Next step: Analyze the history of libraries of library histories. But arrange it so you can get pedicures and make whale watching trips in the middle of your research efforts.

  2. didofoot

    sweet! well done you! I want to read this paper now, can I?

    also: only you could sustain an injury while writing a research paper. the only way I could be less surprised is if you had also run through non-potable sprinkler water during the research process and caught pneumonia. or if your paper was written entirely in cat.

    honestly, I don’t JUST think of you as a walking injury with an eerie feline affiliation. but it’s an effort.

    (just kidding. I love you and your smarty brain.)

  3. michele

    sadly, in grad school (or at least this grad school) an A is only 97-100. the sad little 95.9 falls into the A- category. I think B+ is 91-93. this is a stupid system.

    i didn’t get sick/injured while doing the research at all! …i did spend a lot of time playing with nuala’s cat, willoughby.

    sean, you have the BEST ideas. libraries, pedicures, whales, oh my!

    ummm, it’s not that exciting, kristen, i dunno if you’ll really want to read it. but if you do, let me proof-read it first since i totally didn’t do that before turning it in.

  4. michele

    hey, thanks, nuala! and really it’s all thanks to you since you let me sleep on your couch, eat all your hummus, and watched eureka! with me. ok, and also thanks to garren since he made us ice cream and stayed awake thru ‘blood diamond’ with me (hee, sleepyhead).

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