August 20, 2007 by

summer love

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Categories: General

this weekend i went to marina’s wedding to be the maid of honor. me! the maid of honor! i honored my position by putting sparkly gems in my hair and humoring the groom’s father when he suggested i follow an old russian custom at weddings of collecting money in my skirts by auctioning off dances with the bride. HI-larious.

but seriously folks, my toast (and i’m still having terror-flashbacks) was corny and it’s time for me to be a little more corny.

marina got married! she got married! erica, after the ceremony, was all, “our little girl! all grown up!” and it’s true. and weird. man, marina you were just this tiny little seventeen year old when we met. and now you’re married.

as weddings go, this one was fantastic. it was billed as a big party and a big, super fun party is what it ended up being. marina looked absolutely gorgeous. frequently i’d be standing around talking to someone and we would lull into silence while both just staring at her and then have to take a deep breath (when we remembered we needed oxygen to live) and kind of eyeball one another till one or the other said, “she’s just so PRETTY.” this happened to me with each of our girlfriends there and with her mom. also some of the boys.


the non-minister charles calling mark “mike” during the ceremony

marina’s dancing fool of a cousin

funfetti cake

open bar

dancing with jason with reckless abandon (i almost died)

hanging out with friends in fancy clothes in san diego

home-made lumpia


mark and marina’s happiness (aw!)

my one regret: the crappiness of the disposable camera i had with me. i can’t wait till the professional photographs.

congratulations again marina and mark! the rest of my pictures are here.

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