January 24, 2008 by

ALA advice


Categories: General

i’m thinking of going to the ALA conference this summer. (it’s at disneyland.) and i was thinking of submitting a poster presentation proposal for my juvenile hall library research. but i need a really good title NOW because the deadline for submission is january 31st. ideas?

Delinquents Defined: Juvenile Hall Library Usage and Effects

Juvenile Hall Libraries: A Survey of Users

guh. i want something that’s eye-grabbing and i’m too tired to think.

6 Responses to ALA advice

  1. michele

    that’s pretty good, sean.

    there’s a lot of journal articles about juvies with titles such as “books behind bars”, “book’em”, and “serving teens doing time”. maybe that will spark your creative juices. i’m still thinking about it too. 🙂

  2. katie

    Yeah, I was going to vote for Sean’s. The best I’ve been able to come up with is stupid punny crap like “The Ballad of Reading in Gaol” or “Juviefruit Jungle.” Blargh.

    Of course, didofoot does have a point about what gets people’s attention. “Reform School Kittens Unchained?”

  3. michele

    i do like the attempt at using wilde.

    mark came up with “crime and punishment” to which i added “: literature in juvenile halls”. and i am counting myself satisfied. done and done. though theoretically i bet i could still change it. if it even gets accepted.

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