January 24, 2008 by

bloody mary chews betel nuts


Categories: General

today i decided to look around for moo’s cat carrier. which i bought for her special because it’s cow patterned. i saw my mom bring it out of the vet’s afterwards, but then i didn’t know what she had done with it. and i thought maybe i’d like to know where it was. and maybe i was ready to put it back in my room on the shelf. but then i found it on the bed in the sewing room and promptly burst in to tears and had to curl up around it on my couch and sob for a while.

i don’t tell you about this to make you feel sorry for me. i write it because writing is how i deal with grief and i’m trying really hard to get through this. so don’t feel bad. though thank you to everyone who has emailed/called me with comforting thoughts and concerned emoticons.

also today (for a spot of cheer) i went to my internship at the sailor academy. today was a little less fun than tuesday because they were back to normal uniforms. on tuesday there was a career fair and all the sailors were in dress uniforms.


so fucking hot.

i told jason about it and he expressed disdain for sailors in uniforms. what kind of homo are you, jason? possibly my sailor-lust has to do with overexposure to old movies in my youth with fred astaire in a white sailor costume dancing around singing, “We joined the Navy to see the world / And what did we see? / We saw the sea.” that shit’s indelible, man. i will forever lust after sailors and wish for waltzing.

also at the sailor academy they have a training ship and this ship goes out every summer for month long cruises. AND a librarian goes with it! they’re going to the south pacific this summer! what i wouldn’t give to be on that ship full of sailors in uniform.

5 Responses to bloody mary chews betel nuts

  1. didofoot

    oh god, hot hot sailors. with the veiny forearms and the knot tying…stop me, before I leer again. I am so glad you got that internship so I can live vicariously when you go swing dancing with all the boys from Battalion 488.

    seriously, I had no idea there were so many opportunities for librarians all over the world. I am happier than I can even say that you found a career that’s going to be both lucrative AND creative. how sad I would be if you were stuck in an office job or some bullshit.

  2. michele

    there’s this thing called ‘the ring dance’ that they used to have. where juniors would get their class ring and have a dance. their dates wore the ring on a ribbon as a necklace, christened it in a bowl full of water from the 7 seas, and then presented them to the boys. this was like the 40s-60s, i think. i wish they still had it and i could go! sailors! rings!

  3. nuala

    They apparently still have some form of the ring dance in Maryland at the main Navy Academy. Apparently usually the girl who wore the ring was later proposed to. My friend Lauren dated a sailor I think right after high school and got to go to the ring dance…..He might have even proposed. I think that is why I heard about the story.

  4. nuala

    They apparently still have some form of the ring dance in Maryland at the main Navy Academy. Apparently usually the girl who wore the ring was later proposed to. My friend Lauren dated a sailor I think right after high school and got to go to the ring dance…..He might have even proposed. I think that is why I heard about the story.

  5. michele

    lucky lauren. i’m going back to sailor land tomorrow for work so maybe i will discover a new box of wonders. and hopefully you will find marvelous oriental wonders at your new job! i’m so excited to hear about it even if it is boring orientation day!

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