January 27, 2008 by



Categories: General

in addition to the ALA conference in disneyland that i’m hoping to go to this summer, there’s also the annual IFLA (international federation of library associations) conference. it’s in quebec this year–last year it was in south africa. and though, sure, maybe i’d rather go to africa, canada is at least a lot closer and cheaper. plus, i’ve never been and i totally am curious about our big, northern neighbor.

so, i’m probably going to submit (along with some group members) my paper from last semester on the university in kenya for one of the programs. sweet, right? but what am i thinking submitting things to conferences? am i crazy? the whole submitting part seems easy (once you come up with a title) but i think i’m forgetting the payoff part wherein i’ll actually have to stand in front of an audience and speak.

ANNNND, the SAA (sociey of american archivists) conference is in san francisco this summer too so that one’s easy to go to. but i have nothing to submit to them. YET.

5 Responses to IFLA and SAA

  1. michele

    i’m hoping to drive to vancouver over spring break and you can come with me there if you like. it’ll be the end of march/first week of april. i’m not planning on driving to quebec though; it might be fun but that is just a little far.

  2. michele

    no promises. i might end up flying or the car might be full. also one of my cousins wanted to go so i might end up flying to PDX and then he would drive. it all depends and is up in the air right now. who knows, i might even be broke again by then. unless my inheritance money from my great aunt comes…

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