October 17, 2008 by

happy birthday, kristen

1 comment

Categories: General

Dear Mort, Brother Tupperware, Vinny, Piggy, Princess Pony,

I don’t remember all your nicknames and you probably have one for every year of your life at this point. 29th year nickname: Princess Pony. I’m fond of this new one because it conjures images of the sparkly pink ponies on the card I sent you. Which hopefully you got yesterday and I’m not revealing secrets here. So pink, so sparkly! Just like you.

Happy Birthday, Princess Pony (never PP for short)



One Response to happy birthday, kristen

  1. didofoot

    Pink Princess Pony Palace! No card yet but now I have something to look forward to for later, other than having one year left of my 20s, then turning 30, then death.

    Just kidding, I like 29. SO FAR. Thanks for the blog!

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