October 20, 2008 by

eat-drink-massage-nap on beach day


Categories: General

thanksgiving–sort of a humdrum holiday. sure, there’s sweet potatoes, but otherwise? i can’t say i care about it. which is why i am flying the coop this year and going to mexico. mexico! we don’t celebrate killing indians in mexico! no! we have facials and sit on the beach at our all-inclusive fancy-ass resort!


i read a book where they changed the name of thanksgiving to “atonement day”. it was a book about an 11 year old girl and alien invasions. ermmmm….she drove off the mean aliens by cloning her cat because they were allergic to cat fur. yes, this book = totally my cup of tea.


in mexico, i think i will refer to thanksgiving as eat-drink-massage-nap on beach day.

those pictures are TOTALLY MY RESORT!

3 Responses to eat-drink-massage-nap on beach day

  1. sean

    I don’t like the idea of Atonement Day, because that would be a slow, boring holiday where nothing really happens, and that horrible guy from “Last King of Scotland” is there, and you just want to turn it off and do something else, yet it’s inexplicably critically-acclaimed.

    I would far prefer a two-and-a-half hour epic about fighting off aliens with cat fur. If you think about it, that plot makes more sense than what happens in “Independence Day”.

  2. michele

    atonement day was only mentioned in a sentence in the book. it was like the US realized after being invaded by aliens and having christmas renamed to smekday (leader of the Boov aliens) that thanksgiving was a mean holiday. so they renamed it. but my impression of what it meant for the holiday itself was being sent to your room to think about what you’d done WITHOUT being sent to your room and still having a huge meal with your family.

    in closing, man i hate that dude from scotland. give me will smith punching aliens in the head after they’re dead any day.

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