October 20, 2008 by

when we have tea, we don’t fuck around (a photo blog)

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Categories: General

the fact that i ate A LOT of this food still makes me clutch my stomach in pain a little.

not only did we have individual place settings with our initials but we each had our own teapot. extravagance thy name is christine’s grandmother.

even though i know nuala may punch me for uploading this photo, it makes me love her like 5 elephant loads worth more. priceless. kristen yelling out the photo incentives, “sexy!” nuala, “i don’t know how to look sexy!” (ok, i don’t know if she actually said that, but this is a story). kristen, “just suck your cheeks in! suck ’em in good!” ha ha ha! and the result = genius.

probably my actual favorite. so adorable, us finer things club ladies. adorable, and you know, vicious cat fighters on command.

to see all the pictures, click here.

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