November 30, 2008 by



Categories: General

i returned from cozumel a couple days ago, but i was sort of debilitatingly ill. ok, i just had a cold. but a BAD cold. incapacitated on the couch cold. still, though mexico, i’ve got things to say.

we stayed at a fancy ass resort on an island off the yucatan. it’s in the gulf of mexico way down on the west side. all-inclusive is no joke. you know, in the abstract, i was always like, “all-inclusive, sure, i understand what that means.” trust me, until confronted with a man constantly asking if you want another drink you don’t know what all-inclusive is. or when given a menu at dinner and you kind of look at it thinking to yourself, “could i have four courses? is anything stopping me? i don’t have any money. but….i don’t need any money. 4 courses! bring on the soup dish!” and then i would have cantaloupe wrapped in prosciutto. and filet mignon. and chocolate souffle. and then if i wanted to have another dessert, well 24 hour room service, friends.

as some of you know i took 10 books along on this trip with me. my rationale was that i’d be gone 5 days and i can generally read 2 books a day. i might have accomplished this if i didn’t pass out on a chaise lounge so often. stupid alcohol and sunshine and 80 degree muggy, comforting warmth. i did read 8 of them. not bad all things considered. and 4 of those were the twilight series by stephanie meyer. which on re-read i think i loved more than the first time. all this time i’ve been complaining how horrible bella (the main character is) and she IS, don’t get me wrong, but she’s not half as bad as i thought in memory. in the first book she’s even somewhat feisty!

i also read the newest vampire academy book by richelle mead and it was fucking delightful. of course now i’m just sort of desperate for book 4. fucking cliff hangers. the problem is that all i want is to either read MORE vampire YA or re-read these ones. it’s a tough call as there’s not much out currently that i haven’t read but re-reading again seems irresponsible in the face of all the other books i’ve got on the to-be-read shelves. i still want to re-read all the harry potters too. sigh. do i need to re-try the morganville vampire ones? or attempt the house of night ones? i just don’t know.

speaking of books, i added a butt-load to my amazon wishlist. so if you’re….a random stalker looking to be my friend (fingers crossed!) now you know where to go to make that dream a reality. gift-giving–the way to my heart.

and in conclusion (and off the topic of books), i give you pictures of my trip to mexico:

6 Responses to meh-he-co

  1. didofoot

    P.S. I also reread the twilight books, only Edward was way worse than I remembered. He spends all four books either smirking about her love for him or lying to her “for her own good.”

    He is still totally hot in the film though.

    Also, last night I dreamed I was a vampire and I was going to make Gene a vampire too, but he said no because he didn’t want to live forever. And then he broke up with me. The lesson here: vamp first, ask permission afterwards. Or: be careful how many vampire books you read in a row.

  2. michele

    is a sarong actually. i think she bought it in greece when we were there. =)

    he wasn’t that bad! maybe we need to read them AGAIN and see what our opinions are then. hee.

    elephant = so, so cute. i was sick the day he appeared on my bed and i just wanted to lie there and cuddle him like a stuffed animal comforting object. but then his head fell off because it was a separate towel from his body. stupid towel-head elephant.

  3. Christine

    It looks so empty in the pictures. Did you have the whole place to yourself?

    All-inclusive sounds nice! Carolyn loved her all-inclusive cruise too. Maybe next time…

  4. michele

    one staff guy said the hotel was 50% full. i would have guessed much less than that. the restaurants were never full during meals and there was always tons of empty chaises at the pool and on the beach.

    admittedly i was there from monday to thursday during thanksgiving week so it’s not terribly surprising being a) not a weekend and b) a holiday generally spent with family. the population was heavily weighted towards couples too–newlyweds and then middle aged or old people. i think definitely an all-inclusive resort would be a lot more fun with a boyfriend than with your mother. not that i didn’t have a good time, but i can see how it might be MORE wonderful. also a big group would be fun. there were a couple of those there (again split into couples) but with a group you can do more things (play beach volleyball, charter a glass bottom boat, whatever).

    i loved the pictures of carolyn’s cruise! i think it would be fun to do one of those sometime–with the whole boat aspect. but i’ve now seen cruise ships in mexico at the port and they are godawful huge. i kind of enjoyed the small number of people and the large amount of beach at this resort. i dunno if i would enjoy feeling any more crowded than 50%.

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