December 29, 2008 by



Categories: General

turns out that 9 books is too many as i only managed to read 4. and that was with serious ignoring of cousins (namely lacey) who wanted my attention too. man, i am a bad cousin. although if you consider all the presents i got her which she wore for 3 days in a row AND all the movies i brought up which she watched, i’m actually a pretty cool cousin.

christmas this year was a trifle overwhelming. when everyone was in the house at the same time i wanted to cover my ears with my hands and hide in a corner. i am not kidding. it was bedlam.

even with the excess of noise and horrible weather, it was still pretty nice. lots of family to see and talk with. lots of rock band to play, books to read, and movies to watch. also lots of hair to dye (katherine, vicky and i did pink/red streaks, lacey went blond, and nancy went auburn).

i took lots of pictures, as did my mom, and i’ve uploaded the ones i currently have access to. they are vieweable here: michele’s christmas 2008 photos.

i cannot stand how cute that photo is. i gave her a plastic sushi set and she immediately started munching on it. cute!

4 Responses to Christmas

  1. nuala

    I know but I found another awesomely cool gift and there was no way I could wait for this until your birthday. So it’s a bonus New Year’s gift.

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