June 19, 2012 by

First World Problems

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For the first time in years–or at least as long as I can currently remember–I have no library books in the house looming over my head with their due dates, forcing me to read them before I can do anything else. This is incredible. I thought if this day ever came–Honestly, yes, I HAVE dreamed of it–I would do so many things. I would immediately read all the books on the to-be-read shelf, I would party and see people I never get to see because instead I have to be at home reading library books, I would watch movies until I was ill. Yes! I had all these plans!

Instead I just checked my library holds to see when new books would arrive. There’s only one “in transit” and I’m still 56 in line (which is an improvement on the 350 I started out as) for Fifty Shades of Grey.

One Response to First World Problems

  1. Kris


    “I would do so many things. I would immediately read all the books on the to-be-read shelf, I would party and see people I never get to see because instead I have to be at home reading library books, I would watch movies until I was ill.”

    Excellent. I love where your fantasy life goes.

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