



Categories: General


last night the new season of shows began. or maybe they began earlier but the first one i watched was last night. called ‘everwood.’ it was ok. not great, but certainly not bad. however, it had one shining moment of glory when in the first couple of minutes the teen idol boy star was walking around being all sullen and angry in a ranma 1/2 p-chan shirt! i squealed in delight. i called nuala at the commercial being as how she was the only person i could think of who might be watching stupid wb shows too. and she was a little horrified that i was already in love with some new boy on some new wb show just because he was wearing a t-shirt from another tv show of a pig-boy who i am also in love with even though he probably knew nothing about p-chan/ryogo/ranma personally and was just wearing the shirt by happanstance. maybe they’re trying to market to the hip young anime watching crowd. who knows. cults. the lot of them. whatever.

speaking of screaming though. i also at one point last night walked into the dining room and saw some small long rodent fuzzy body running away from me under the table and without even thinking about it i screamed really loudly. which made my mom look up from the computer in flabbergasted concern to say, ‘what?’ and that was when i remembered that we have a ferret, and perforce, it is NATURAL to see long hideous rodents running around in one’s house. fucker bit me again. i hate him so much. today is my brother’s birthday but i am raining on that parade hoo boy you better believe it. he had best be taking that weasel away today or a hissy fit will be thrown by yours truly.


in other news


Categories: General

in other news i am leaving for a conference in monterey at the assilomar conference center tomorrow morning. apparently i will not be doing much at this thing except setting up some chairs and making sure there’s coffee. i’ve been promised lots of relaxation time. i have taken this to mean that i can hang out a lot on the beach or at the pool. and i can go visit the aquarium and see the otters. oh otters. so cute. 🙂 then, for some unknown reason, my boss has decided that attendence of this conference means that we shouldn’t have to work on monday and is giving us the day off. how fucking sweet is that? pretty fucking so, i must say. due to this unexpected wonderfulness i am going to SD this weekend, leaving from monterey on friday morning/noonish. yey for visiting jenny and the newly moved in marina. because fuck hanging out here and def time to procrastinate painting my room for another week and moving all the shit around. heh.

so, jacob, i’m sorry about spirited away. if you want to see it next week i can go after 5 any day except monday. we could just go to the berk theatre since it is like 20 feet from my office and i am all over that shit. but if you see it this weekend without me then (sniff) i will just have to go by myself. have you moved to berk yet, gene? did you want to see it? i am such an unscrupulous movie partner trading whore. (have you noticed my new and improved comment snagging method of referencing people directly in the hopes of harranguing some reply out of them? p.s. where is my internet stalker?)


mutterings in the ranks


Categories: General

so…this new counter on the CH page…..i know i am just being difficult and contrary now but i don’t know if i like it. it only tells you the LAST comment made on your page but i you have multiple postings the same day or something you have to go and check to see if someone commented on one post and then immediately after another one. maybe this is only a problem for me as i am apparently the only one who multiple posts anymore. or ever really, let’s be honest. maybe nuala posted more than once in one of that last batch. but no one ever comes to CH anymore. where’s the love, people? do not tell me it is dying. i know you’re probably all like offended now and are saying, “hey! i commented just yesterday, bizatch!” but you know what i mean. there’s like 4 comments a day instead of the previous million zinging flings going on. it just seems so dry and stale. like mold-bread. or the insides of old shoes. maybe i am supposed to be content with the email conversation going on currently about the death of baseball. but that’s just depressing and in no way makes me happy or wastes enough time not doing work considering the fact that no one writes back until right before i leave work/after i’ve left. you know what i’m even going to post this and then check back on it over the course of the day and it will continually taunt me with the lack of comments on it. fucking ay and now i’m whining about it. this is so stupid. grrrrr.




Categories: General


hawaii was so much fun!

and while i was there i kept a journal because being away from the computer for so long and not having this stupid outlet for writing was driving me crazy. so i was thinking of transcribbling some of my journal entries into this entry in order to tell you all about all the things i did in hawaii. however, i have discovered that of course i am too lazy to do that. waaaay too lazy. so instead i will recount quickly what i did for you.



















turtle friend





turtle friend









baby spinner dolphins




fish attack




inflate hippo






you get the gist of it. i made a list of all the beaches i went to. do you care? probably not. i will tell you one: stand and defecate. yes. that is the translation of the hawaiian name of one of the beaches i went to. i slept on it. hmm pooo….. there was a writing in white coral on the lava along the one highway that said “pee.” it was like it was placed there just for me. i was so pleased. i made a list of all my fave rave writings too. do you care about that? maybe. well ‘MORON’ was good. and ‘yummy’ and ‘bunny’ and ‘nice.’ also ‘heck.’

man now i want to transcribble. ok.

the first day we were there 9/7 i got to listen to some pseudo surfers (waves on the big island are tiny) talk about a surfing magazine:

“now THAT’S a wave, man.”

“look at that roll. and the crush!”

“and it’s so shallow there. over coral.

“the height on that wave. it’s gotta be like 13 feet.”


“yeah, man! the surfer is TALL. he’s gotta be 6 foot.”

“yeah, dude. which would make the wave over 13 feet!”

“and that barrel is HUGE.”

“You could….what could you put in there?”

“you could put a BUS in there man. it’s big enough to hold a BUS.”


“yeah man! a bus! sheeeet!”

i sheeet you not.


i was tempted to write on the lava with the coral: “9/11 sucks hiney.”

we took the kayak back and the kona boy (kona boy’s kayak rentals) hit on us some talking about how we should call if we needed anything else.

KB: so where are you staying?

me: the bayclub resort. her parents have a timeshare there.

KB: wow. that’s nice. lucky.

me: yeah, it’s really nice.

KB: well if you guys need any other help while you’re on the island. come on by.

me: ok. thanks.

KB: like if you want any special tips or want to know where any secluded beaches are…give us a call.

me: how secluded? (getting into it.)

KB: gives you lots of privacy, you can do whatever you want.

me: even you?

KB: what?

me: i could even do you?

KB: what?

me: (false innocence) isn’t that what you were implying? that you would show us some “secluded” beaches and we could show you our naked bodies? monkey boy?

KB: (stammering hemming and hawing) i never meant that. exactly.

me: (unwrap my towel, currently the only article of clothing besides the bikini that i am wearing, and look up and down my body carefully) why not?

KB: ahhhh…..

me: fascinating. shall we just go around the corner there to your “private” fenced in side yard and do it?

KB: really?

me: kim, give me ten minutes.

kim: (impatient) 5?

me: you drive a hard bargain.

kim: you’re wasting your precious 5 minutes.

at least it was the kona boy that showered. buck teeth though. and scraggly. oh well. sex against a wall with a five minute time limit you can’t quibble over the non-salient details. at least now i don’t have to go look up deserted beaches with the man.

while we were kayaking i tried to get the dolphins to come closer by singing to them underwater. this endeavor was hampered by the fact that i had just seen divine secrets of the ya ya sisterhood on the plane trip and was thus humming the song they sing in there like 2ce, ‘i see the moon. and the moon sees me…blah blah.’ so i sang:

i see the moon

and the moon sees me

and the moon shows me the one i want to see

so dolphin come over here

come to me

so i can take your picture

one two three!

this invariably drew no dolphins. apparently they are not fans of the ashley judd-sandra bullock movie.


oh the hippo. the hideous monster of a hippo. pink, blue/green, purple. he’s a mad, mad hippo of a fella. once i had him (awful long eyelashes for a him) all blown up we decided to take him for a test drive in the ocean. HWEE! i fell off so many times and when i finally managed to be on top of him i was basically lying down with my legs spread all akimbo and probably looked like i was humping the hippo for all i was worth. kim tried to get in on the action by going for his belly. feeling somehow that a hippo sandwich sex escapade at the mauna kea beach resort was a good idea. i was laughing so hard and i had just wasted all lung power blowing up the hippo, so was consequently wheezing away while fornicating on blow-up beach toys. good times, good times.


heard on the radio a perversion of joan osborne’s ‘what if god was one of us’

what if god smokes cannabis?

do you think he rolls his own

up in heaven on His throne?

and when the saints go marching home

does god smoke out all alone?

i wish i had been writing thru the whole thing but sadly no. brill song though. brill. there was this whole thing about adam and eve and god planting the seeds in order to give them the munchies so they’d take the apple the snake was always offering.

some good pictures:

lava from kilauea. i was so close to 2000 degrees celsius heat. whoo. steamy.

place of refuge where the gay man told us to drive slower in the parking lot and the info center guy got all het up over kim eating a sandwich

turtle friend #1

waterfall by akake falls

look out! donkeys!

not admittedly in hawaii (in monterey) but kim and i.

kim and i in hawaii. with the not akake falls. the other one. uh….no idea what it’s called.


ahhh where did the little side title bar by which i live my life go?


Categories: General

the thing that tells who updated last is missing from cementhorizon. i find myself horribly traumatized by this. not only do i have to type in everybody’s webpage manually, but i also don’t know who’s on top! this is crushing my spirit.

in other news. 1 day till hawaii. mwee hwee hwee hee hee.

also i finished my paper (due at 6 today) already for class and sent it off. and it’s not 5:10! this is a new record for me.

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