as i made a vague mention in my last post, i’ll be going to see a remake of indiana jones and the temple of doom as part of my birthday celebration. anyone who likes me and amateur films is welcome to join the party. it’s at the victoria theatre (mission and 16th) at 7:15pm on february 9th.
but this is just ONE of the films i want to see this year, so i thought i would give a little run down of my three top picks.
(obviously) raiders of the lost ark: the adaptataion
victoria theatre, 2/9, 7:15pm

the stars and makers are 3 childhood friends who started making the movie when they were 12 and finished when they were 18. to anyone who knows me or my friends, we also sometimes make movies. nothing that takes 6 years, but still we’ve run the gamut of super powers, nordic countries, and old people. so THIS is something i’ve obviously got to see. not only do i love indiana jones but i also love delightful friends sharing their love for cinematic wonders.
sexina: popstar, p.i.
roxie, 2/16, 9:30pm

mmm, hello she is a popstar and a private eye. plus it’s got adam west. i am intrigued and vaguely titilated. i think it’s her name.
(and finally) sleepwalking through the mekong
victoria, 2/16, 12:30pm

it’s sort of a documentary following the band ‘dengue fever’ around in cambodia. i’ve been happily garbling my way through their songs since jason introduced me to them. once he told me that he loves her voice because she sings like she’s eating peanut butter. i love peanut butter. so here again, two things that i am fascinated by: southeast asia and singing Khmer through peanut butter.
let me know if any of you want to be movie friends! or 2/16 friends in SF between approximately 3pm and 9pm. ‘jumper’? ‘step up 2’? books? dinner?