
up and coming


Categories: General

the countdown to hawaii is now at 2 days. yes that’s right. 2. soon oh so soon i will be in hawaii. saturday morning = plane. saturday afternoon = tropical weather and no work for a whole week! yey!



The Good Girl

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Categories: Movie Reviews

man, i always want to have more time to write these things and i never actually do. sucks ass. let me just say for now that this movie was, i thought, really good. and not just because jake gyllanhaal was in it, although that was definately a plus. i thought some of the camera work was interesting. particularly this was evident in the packing scene when all of a sudden they switched to a hand held camcorder to film jennifer aniston’s hasty packing and unsettled state of mind. parts of the end i felt were wholly unecessary. and jennifer aniston’s complete corruption of a texan accent and frequent slippage away from even faking it was kind of awful. but on the whole i really thought this movie was a good job. it’s portrayal of small time life and the overbearing sameness of it was presented really well. some of the writing was exceptional–the ironic twist of phrase and occasional quick flinging of the come back or the softly muttered expressions of dismay and disgust with life. or even jake’s constant outbursts about people not getting him. while at work he is surrounded by powder puff girl iconography.

my fave rave part of the movie:

in the car when jake has just seen jennifer sleeping with bobo (hwee he was so good!) and she tells him to calm down:

“i can’t calm down! maybe if i was a slut like you and could calm down all over town, but i’m not!”


baby, you can calm down all over me anytime. shit, he’s sex-bomb.

p.s. that’s his sister maggie

whose movie secretary will soon be out. hoo boy. wanna see that.

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noir script

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Categories: Movie Reviews

for your reading pleasure/amusement i give you the noir script i wrote for my film class. it is bad. what can you do? i still got an A, so i think you can imagine how little i care. you can even read the teacher’s comments at the bottom.

read it

marina–if you ever find your way to this site and actually read this–here’s looking at you, kid. hwee.



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Categories: General

i forgot to mention too that i got my car back. yes that’s right. 2 months and 9 days later, my lovely little car was finally returned to me. i am now driving it again and i keep getting really confused by the height and the steering and the brakes. it seems very tempting to buy a new car. a smaller car. possibly a slightly less responsive car. everyone else is doing it. why can’t i get a new car too?

ok so i have a paper due today. TODAY. am i done writing it? have i started? no and no. and here it is my last day at work too. and i need to be typing typing. and instead i am looking at cars and schools and writing on this webpage. argh! such procrastination! so dumb!

now this is what i have so far:

“Due to an increasing awareness of globalization, my personal approach to film theory has become eclectic. While attending a class wherein one can ask a person of Chinese descent currently living in China what a certain usage of language really translates to, is an example of the eradication of boundaries between seekers of knowledge and learning. Being introduced to other cultures by travel is a novel experience but one which can not be accomplished too frequently due to money concerns. On the other hand, immersing ones self in a movie for 2 hours is an easy and economical way of becoming more acquainted with foreign cultures and ideas. While watching the films for this paper, my consciousness was bombarded with images in direct contradiction to one another. The Virgin Suicides is an idyllic, nostalgic look at a faded time and a lifestyle striving to attain perfection while ultimately failing. The Storm Riders is a stylistic tour de force wire-fu film trying to capture a moment in time that is changing and potentially dying. The two films do not seem as they would have much in common�an Indie romantic drama and a Hong Kong action blockbuster�however I would argue that actually they have much in common with their approach to creating something new; albeit for slightly differing reasons, use of music to convey mood, ”

that’s where i’ve stopped. groan. oh man i am so screwed.


crap all around


Categories: General

this is henceforth my clean up blog entry. too many little things and i feel the need to write them all down.

i did not win those shoes. someone named urbanbiotch did. i in fact forgot about them entirely which is something i blame on the stike and my lackadaisal attitude towards being up/being online. very upsetting anyway. such nice shoes.

stupid landlord’s wife woman made me give back the keys, complained about the scratches on the floor, the broken back door, the leaning outer wall on the left of the porch, the cat pee, the broken front screen, the black sides of the stairs, etc etc. i blamed the scratches on her, the screen being that way since we moved in, the screw in the back door being gone forever and no idea how or where, the leaning wall being something i couldn’t have managed to do myself, the stairs having been black on the sides forever anyway, the cat urine…well couldn’t really deny that but said we had shampooed it some ourselves and that’s why we paid a cat deposit anyway. she did not know we paid a cat deposit. which made me begin to doubt that we paid one. besides the fact that our main deposit was only $600 total. wtf? cheap ass man. anyway. that’s the current rental house situation for those who care.

i got a new job starting next tuesday. with the california writing project. doing accounting, conference planning, webpage maintenance (hopefully), publishing stuff, travelling, reimbursements, payroll, and i don’t know what else. i’m pretty excited. there’s a window. and a brand new computer. and…tall ceilings. and a window. and clean shiny walls. WINDOW WINDOW WINDOW! it’s on the corner of bancroft and shattuck and if anyone is looking to go eating lunch around there you should let me know. cause i like food. and i will be oh so far away from nuala and kristen in cory hall that i will need new people to eat with. bus schmus. 😛

i have a paper due tomorrow. have i started? no. am i screwed? yes. it is going to be such a bad paper too. oh so bad. ha ha ha. it’s on the virgin suicides and storm riders. why? i don’t know. prob because i have both of those movies and they fit the criteria of being an american made movie that we have watched for class and a foriegn movie.

i watched 3 dvd’s of anime episodes (roughly 30 episodes) while on strike. along with 6 other movies. the anime was card captor sakura. the movies: pandaemonium (not bad), the attic expeditions (um…interesting plus seth green), olive juice (bad), harry potter (much better the longer away one is from reading the books), cinderella 2 (argh.), rock and roll high school (i’ve gained a new appreciation for the ramones), and van wilder (i really like this movie…other than the beating off the dog part.)

the bachelor party is this saturday. hoo boy. naked girls in my house. me being kicked out. bitches. whatever.

i’m going to hawaii in 10 days! maybe i need a little counter downer in the margins….hmmm…maybe i’m too lazy to do that.

def i’m too lazy to continue with this boring boring entry. maybe tomorrow will be better. probably not.


some mexicans came and moved the fridge out of my house.


Categories: General

once upon a time, erica, michele, and jacob got a house together. and when michele and jacob were signing the lease the subject matter of who exactly prunes the hedges came up.

ali, the landlord–not he of the 40 theives, replied quite unconcernedly, “oh some mexicans will come and take care of that every once in a while. the townhouse community hires out to mexican workers.”

“oh yes?” michele replied, “illegal immigrant mexicans?” *

“i couldn’t say,” ali replied, unfazed by the quickly exchanged horrified giggling faces of michele, jason, and jacob.

all this from a man who is obviously middle eastern, phd in pharmocology aside. thin ice to judge a mexican strawberry picker on, lemme tell you.

this morning as i lay peacefully slumbering in my new bed in my new yellow room, ali’s bitch of a wife, nancy, called. now yesterday, as erica and i were cleaning the kitchen and mopping the floor this harridan of a woman stopped by to inform us that after all we would have to remove the fridge, washer, and dryer ourselves as the people she rented the house too (filth notwithstanding) already had thier own. i was too flabbergasted by her gall to speak.

she had already said to us, mind you, “tired girls? well you wouldn’t be so tired if you cleaned once a week instead of once a year.”

affrontery. whore.

i was so sick yesterday, but even so i had trouble falling asleep as i lay pondering all the things i would have to do today: finish cleaning, get rid of the washer, dryer, and fridge SOMEHOW, return the tv box and modem box, clean my room, try to get fatus out from under the bed (does not move well), try to sign up for this class at dvc, go to the grocery store, and lay in bed to watch movies all day. over and over again my list of chores was gnawing at the corners of my mind as the snot was dripping steadily down the back of my throat to congeal in my lungs.

back to the story at hand (i blame it on the drugs) the old, wrinkled ho-bag who called this morning said that she had found some people who would very much like a free washer, dryer, and fridge and could pick them up today at 1pm.

she went on to inform my mother (who was fielding this call as i was still wheezing in bed) that, “these people could really use these things and i want to help them in any way i can since i wouldn’t rent the house to them.”

turns out “these people” had come to see the house but based on their appearence she didn’t trust them to be able to pay rent. she had expected them to want to pick the appliances up in the evening but since they wanted to do it at 1pm and she would be at work, she called me to come and supervise it.

“you can’t miss him” she told my mom, “he’s a short mexican. i really just couldn’t rent to them, they didn’t look like they could afford the rent. you know, it was like they were biting off more than they could chew.”

i shit you not. why did she feel compelled to tell all this to my mother?

it’s come full circle, my friends. we moved in to the house on scottsdale rd, and some mexicans trimmed our shrubbery. we moved out and some mexicans removed our refrigerator. i’m going to miss that place. hell, i miss it already.

*note. i never really said that.

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