and the final entry in film festival season is upon us: the international film festival. where mostly what i want to see is asian films so it’s much like the asian film festival. good times. if you’re interested in seeing any of the following or anything else that strikes your fancy in their line-up, let me know. i am always looking for film festival friends. especially since i’ve edited this list down from the 37 movies i first chose. there are definitely a lot more movies i’d love to see. i mean, there’s a documentary on al franken’s book tour, pornography from japan and taiwan, a doc on jonestown, a japanese movie about an old gay rest home, a movie with shu qi, carthusian monks, giant buddhas, heart transplants, a film by zwigoff with the other writer from ghost world, and cockbyte.
Wednesday April 26, 9:30pm, Castro
starring zhang ziyi as a tanuki (uh…it’s a raccoon in japanese myth who can turn into a woman to lure travellers) there’s singing and dancing and a love story.
Friday 28, 10:30pm, Kabuki
a japanese businessman with the head of a koala working for the rubbles pickles factory. i mean, HELLO, this has the most brilliant premise ever. KOALA-HEAD. plus, it’s compared in the description to the happiness of the katakuris. the best japanese musical about murdering mayhem ever.
Sunday 30, 8:45pm, Kabuki
diego luna. DIEGO LUNA, PEOPLE.
Thursday 4, 7pm, Castro
robert altman’s latest picture. need more be said?