mooser poosers, as is her wont, was sitting in the front window today as i was preparing to leave for ellie’s house. while lugging my laundry bag towards the door i could hear one of the sets of parent and child stopping outside the window to admire my cat. they coo, they delight, they meow, they are adorable. today though i did something new, something unheard of for me, voluntary association with strangers. i dropped the laundry and picked up the cat, opened the door and introduced a small child to my precious fuzzy. he was pretty freaking adorable. he let her sniff his hand first, uncertainly ready to pull back if she looked like she was going to attack (steady there, harry, you bow first and then he bows). his mom explained how she taught him to do this with dogs. i was impressed at his infantile ability to grasp such concepts and put them into practice with a wholly different animal. sniffing completed, he happily patted her head and tried to scratch behind her ears while his mom told me how much he wanted a cat of his own but they couldn’t have one in their house because of the landlord’s strict rules. i commiserated with this rude denial and the kid continued to grin happily and pet the moo-head, (who, as for her queenly-self, calmly deigned to accept this bizarre experience–being outside, being touched by a small child with semi-useless motor skills.
they were delighted by her name too by the by, in case you were wondering. or at least the mom verbally was. the kid didn’t really speak except to stare at me shyly and say ‘cat’ when i first came out of the house and ‘thank you’ at his mother’s coaxing as i re-entered the house.
i’ve always wanted to do this. the kids that go by on their way to and from day care down the street are generally full of cuteness about my window-sitting cats. but usually i’m too terrified to actually take one out to them. but from the gratitude i received today, i should obviously do it more often.
speaking of cute, cute kids. i went to ellie’s today and saw tyler who is turning ONE tomorrow, (it seems like only yesterday that she told me she was pregnant). babies grow up so fast once they pop out apparently. ellie gave me a picture because i mentioned how everyone is always delighted to see him in beanies and elephant suits. he doesn’t really speak yet but he is walking all over and his favorite book is about charlie parker and be-bop.
and sleep tight, my baby; morning light shall burst bright; and keep us, here safely.