August 19, 2002 by

commie red or chinamen yellow?


Categories: Uncategorized


i have to say that game sucked ass. if ever there was a game whose sole purpose was to go “i’m funnier than you! na na nee na na!” this is that game. consequently people’s feelings get hurt. there’s ill will on all sides. (mind you…not that i give a scabby rat’s ass about a little non-racist color jokes. cause i can color within the lines. oh yes i can. give me a fucking crayon. (harold and the purple crayon.)) the thing is just that on the whole it was a pretty dumb game anyway. there’s no point to laughing at some cards when we could just be talking and laughing anyway. semi-visual humor be damned. let’s play some risk and get really angry at each other over world domination or something more important than who’s funny and who’s not or who can take a joke and who can’t.

22 Responses to commie red or chinamen yellow?

  1. Jacob

    Well, as far as I’ve heard, 1KBWC is supposed to be for 3-6 people….not 15. And if all the people involved don’t care about oneupmanship, then it’s no longer “who’s funnier than who?” It’s more like “Hah, we’re all funny.” I have to admit that the game we played wasn’t very fun. But the other time I played it, I had a blast.

  2. Sean

    Agreed. It seems to provoke showoffiness, especially from, well, me. I did enjoy meeting everyone new, and seeing everyone old, and I’m sorry I inadvertantly called the youthful Tracy a whore with the “heels” card.

  3. didofoot

    wow. i am apparently the only one who enjoyed this game. of course, i’m not black.

    well, speaking as owner of yard, i’m sorry y’all didn’t enjoy it more.

  4. tracy

    you get it wrong, kris. totally fun night. totally fun to meet everyone. Big Big laughs as well. we are just ragging on the game a bit.


    thanks for not thinking i’m a whore.

  5. michele

    jacob: but the pseudo directons say 0-infinity…..whine whine…. 🙂 i bet it is fun with a smaller group though. and maybe some sort of board….

    kristen: i had fun at the PARTY. i just didn’t have that much fun playing the GAME.

  6. didofoot

    except the game was most of the party. i must have been in a friday night fog, because i missed all the subtext and whatnot that i’m hearing about now. alls i saw was lots of horse drawings and, later, pukey dustin.

  7. michele

    and see i missed dustin puking though i did hear about it later too. but at least i didn’t have to hear other things (jason).

    i liked the swimming. and the pool gels. and the hot dogs.

  8. Jacob

    Hmmmm…let me try to find the website where I learned about 1KBWC again. The one you got the directions from is sort of the funny-card repository, but the other site seems to have “rules” that make a bit more sense.

    And not to worry, Kristen….I had fun at the party/game, too.

  9. Sean

    I had lots of fun. It was uncomfortable when my roommates left, but it was totally unjustfied, and I’m sure they all wanted to get back home and start watching television anyway. I just made lots of cards, so I feel bad if the game utilizing said cards was un-fun for people.

    It really isn’t a party unless Dustin starts puking. I remember there being some sort of stomach condition he had which made doctors recommend no more drinking, smoking, or caffeine. Do you think that condition just went away, or is Dustin just turning to the traditional homeopathic remedies of Fall River Mills?

  10. mishie

    sean: i liked your cards. they were funny. 🙂

    also….i am not sure if i want to play risk with you. somehow i think you would kick all of our respective asses. mmmmmm maybe this sunday? jason! can we play risk at your house even though you hate it?

  11. Sean

    I’ve only played RISK once before in my life, and I think I was only 11. I’ve always wanted to, but have been hampered by Aaron’s preference for Axis and Allies, I think. Of course, I haven’t ever actually played Axis and Allies – just listened to Aaron explaining, in great detail, how you can win as Japan.

    I do have a killer Monopoly strategy, though. Stay out of Atlantic City, suckas.

  12. didofoot

    later i found a card which said “Kiss my black ass!” actually, my grandfather found it. the big question is, was that before or after?

    ok, i’m glad you all had fun with each other if not the game. i can differentiate, because i am real smart. i am regruntled.



  13. Sean

    Aaron wrote the “black ass” card very early on, before anyone was actually playing. He showed it to Jessica, who thought it was funny. I’m sure it’s different than that other racist, somehow, right?

  14. jason

    Risk, the game? Or risk, the way of life? Because, as you know, I don’t go for any of that Risk the game. But I guess i could be persuaded if you showed up at my house on Sunday and pushed me aside. I’m pretty sure nothing’s happening on that day, so it’s okay with me. Even though Risk sucks Jessica’s black ass.

    Speaking of games I do like, I liked the card game. It was a bit overwhelming, I agree, but so is a tidal wave. Next time let’s play with less people, and in a cultural vacuum.

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