October 30, 2002 by

really, really ugly cat


Categories: Uncategorized

this is something that my cousin john is coercing me to post on my webpage. i do not feel good about it. i advise against going to look at it. it’s gross and it will haunt your memory for a long time to come. but if you’re feeling ultimately braver than me, you go right ahead on with your bad selves.

do not click here. seriously.

26 Responses to really, really ugly cat

  1. John Hunt

    I love that kitty. What’s wrong with you people. He’s cute and with a “wuvable” rubby tummy. Man, that cat is too cute for words.

  2. michele

    ahhh! james too! good lord. it’s like an embarressment of riches….or just like me being embarressed….what are all you hunt boys doing here? well, whatever. hi hunts!

    p.s. maybe i’ll get you an ugly freak cat for christmas. it can live at aunt mary’s and you can share it. i’m sure she would LOOOOOOVE that.

  3. didofoot

    I would like aunt mary to comment now. because aunt mary rocks and I feel priviledged to know her.

    and what’s up with carol never commenting, eh?

  4. ugly cat fan

    HAHAHAHAHA that was the ugliest cat i’ve ever seen in my life. hahahaha, wow that was funny. he kinda looked like a bat w/ arms.

  5. dianna

    I was going to comment on that, then realized that Michele had it right after all. Note the extra space between “new” and “,”, which is what ,, is really the new one of.

    Where’d I put that geek-beating stick again?

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