January 24, 2003 by

teen queens = scream!


Categories: Uncategorized

perhaps i should explain my mary kate and ashley olsen fascination a little. (no you shouldn’t! just back away from the subject! this idea is a bad idea and bad ideas lead to bad things! ahhh! bad bad bad!)

i don’t really know why it came about that i even ordered ‘so little time’ vol 1. from netflix. i think i was vaguely interested. and i think i was sparked on by just the huge conglomeration those two little girls have created. and i said to myself, “self, see what it’s all about. watch a little mk/a o. don’t live in the horrific darkness of ignorance.” little did i know at the time how much darker my life would become after seeing them act. plus the whole shitty dialogue thing. and the enormously stereotypical latin american maid-man. but oh doods. the clothes and the hair and the silly stupidity soooo almost made up for it. certainly those shallow 15 year olds convinced me to sit in front of the television for 5 whole epsisodes until 3 in the morning. (marina only made it thru 2. yes i forced the visiting marina to watch some of it with me. i think she was permanently scarred for life.)

a couple of weeks later i was feeling kind of nostalgic about the whole experience. and so i RENTED ANOTHER ONE. only this one was a feature length movie and they are pitifully younger and thus much less interesting to watch. plus it had the little moments of fading in and out where television commercials were originally. that is low, my friends. i mean. you know you’re pathetic when you’re watching made for tv movies with former cast members of full house starring as soccer athletes in a twin-switcheroo plot.

maybe i need an intervention. i don’t know. all i know is that i’m getting a third one from netflix. and i think it’s become an addiction.


believe me when i say that i am well aware that they are awful. but…just look at them… the looking at them part is so much fun….

i am sick and wrong. just so we’re all clear. sick and wrong.

7 Responses to teen queens = scream!

  1. Nuala

    Dood you’re starting to scare me. MK/A O are only for desperate situations where there is nothing else on tv and then having that on makes you go I have to get away from the TV. That’s it. That is their only purpose to let you know how low you have sunk. The fact that YOU are actively renting these things to sit and watch in their entirety is friggin scary. You have sunk into depths I cannot begin to imagine. I understand the facination of staring at them, but there are magazines with pictures for that so that you don’t have to be subjected to horrible writing/acting etc. I have fatih that you can break this habit or at least never indulge in it around me.

  2. LMAO


    u are crazy man – i watch them sumtimes i think that they can’t act. im telling u they cant and set a bad example to other girls. but MAN THEIR HOT : even though they were too much make-up

    p.s get sum help man

  3. michele

    must. fight. urge. to. go. in. and. fix. all. spelling. mistakes. huff.

    i wonder if he knows i’m not a man, but a girl? a GIRL.

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