March 9, 2003 by

“picture casper! picture casper!” -gene


Categories: General

my brother has a debut (de… boo!) album out. which really is more of a promotional cd to hand out to get more paying gigs. but if anyone else wants a copy, i could make one and give it to you. it’s free even. it’s like non-useful promotion being done on my part. he also wanted everyone who was involved in the pre-stylus-booth-at-coachella-being-a-fiasco to know that he was grateful for the support.

jacob and dianna’s new pad is the shiznitch. plus i’m quite fond of deadwood now. plus corn-pone (sp?) is the tastiest thing ever. plus i can’t believe i went from the party to my house and directly started writing on here. shit. that’s just lame.

but really i came to write because i realized something while i was parking and had to share. so. much like my random issues with things like the CH counter. i also have issues with having to park on the street in front of my house instead of in the driveway. once, for example, i did my brother’s algebra homework in order to have the driveway space for a whole month. i’m a freak. and i admit that. HOWEVER i think there might be a reason for this madness. see, here at my house we have some of the NOSIEST neighbors alive. and the thing is that they don’t DO ANYthing. they would just sit in their garage with the garage door open all day long and watch the street. once, they told jason after he had driven all the way from vegas that no one was at my house and he sat in his car for like half an hour even though i was inside the whole time. and the thing was that they did this, not on the basis of knowledge of whether anyone was home or not, but because they’d never seen jason before. therefore they just assumed that he was probably up to no good in the neighborhood and that our house and thier house and everybody’s houses needed to be protected from this unassuming, but potentially dangerous, jew. i have a point here. which is. if you park in the driveway you’re out in the open for less time where they can see you and talk to you and beckon you over than when you have to walk all the way down to the street to get in your car. then you’re practically across the street already and in thier clutches. i live my life trying to evade these people. currently, the TR-3, which remains un-saleable and broken, takes up the driveway space which could be mine full-time. i fucking hate that car at this point. and nothing is being done about it. which i also hate. why the fuck does it get the prime location when it’s never even used? why can’t it be on the street? i live in mortal dread of going out to my car. which, yes, is pathetic. but still.

13 Responses to “picture casper! picture casper!” -gene

  1. michele

    ha ha ha!! i forgot about all the pot muffins the neighbors make. sweet fucking jesus. they really are stoners too. it’s absurd. they love thier muffins.

    i’ll mail you a copy, friend shamai.

  2. gene

    Oh, and what do you think of the modification I just made to the “What else is new” comment section? Pretty cool eh? eh?

    Sushi (7)


    Sushi (8) now

  3. michele

    would you like to OWN THE CAR? we could sell it to you. she wants at least 8000 in order to break even. but maybe we could go down to 7000. i don’t know what’s wrong with it….gunther (another neighbor. a german neighbor) looked at it. and said some things. i dunno what.

    i like this new numbering thing! it’s cool!

    p.s. casper-dork.

  4. kati

    Wow Gene, you’re all over this comment page today.


    I’m sure the irritation caused by having an unused, potentially non-functional car in a perfectly good driveway is unbounded. But now the driveway is yours – muahahahahah!

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