April 8, 2003 by

and so it begins. not with a bang but with a vague downward spiral drain.


Categories: General

this friday the month of michele travelling begins. i’m going down to san diego this weekend for one reason, and one reason only. to see ‘what a girl wants’. don’t believe me? ask the dishes. i am quite possibly the most absurd person i know. who pays money to go down to SD to see what it very likly to be one of the worst movies of 2003? but how can i refuse the colin firth and, after all, marina begged that she couldn’t see it with anyone else but me. loyalty like that is not misplaced so much as it’s a disgrace. so here i go, down to SD. (note this guy. what does he have to do with ‘what a girl wants’? i don’t know. but it’s vaguely scary.)

next tuesday, after i come back (one week from now! only one week!) i’m going to be flying to warren, NJ to see jason and the dollhouse at the cemetary. plus the egg-o-matic. we’re going to that play too and to bookstores and flea markets. and to see bulletproof monk (my idea) and holes (his).

kristen said this to jason about me today: “i’m jealous because being on

vacation with michele is the best thing ever…she is full of energy and

has zillions of new things she wants to see, and will talk to new people,

and in general is just way braver than me. doing new york city with her is

like my idea of heaven, so you take full advantage son.”

which is awfully complimentary, but i’m skeptical that i have that much faith in myself. we shall see, i guess.

anyway, finally the week after i get back from jersey, it’s off to indio for the coachella festival. lots of music, sun, and people-watching. it’s going to be so beautiful. if you’re interested in going, you can still buy tickets. and we have space in our hotel room still…

10 Responses to and so it begins. not with a bang but with a vague downward spiral drain.

  1. michele

    well no i did not get laid off. i’m only going to SD for the weekend. and then i’m using vacation time for NJ, and coachella is just the weekend except for how i’m fake calling in sick on the monday afterwards.

    start playing the dictionary “vagina” word REALLY loudly. i’m sure you’ll get laid off eventually. or laid a lot. one or the other. =P

  2. didofoot

    except for how tracy works for the blowjob queen who probably expects her employees to play the vagina dictionary sound.

  3. didofoot

    look I’m sure I hate her, whoever she is, but colin firth cannot be besmirched by a mere costar. mr. darcy has impeccable judgement, and i’m sure if he’s appearing in a gawdawful film it’s only so that he can donate all the money he makes to a romanian orphanage or something.

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