April 15, 2003 by



Categories: General

i just got called a “bloody star” by this british boy i’ve been emailing with. it’s sort of poetic in a disgusting way, right? but really he meant it in the ‘thanks you’re awesome’ kind of way on receipt of a favor. whatever. either way i am some brit’s bloody star. and that has got to count for something.

so i am absolutely terrified right now. the flight back from SD was horrific with the turbulence which has once again reacquainted me (not that i had forgotten it) with my fear of flying. i hate flying. hate it. the fact that i am willingly getting on another plane (two with the connection) today is insane. i am a bundle of little nerves going yip-yip like a small irritating dog.

i have been scared of planes for so long and even though i can’t remember where i was going the first time i realized, i remember being at the oakland airport with my parents walking across the long term parking lot to the shuttle stop and just becoming completely aware of the ground beneath my feet. the ground which potentially i could see a huge mass of death-trap metal with me inside of it scree-whistling down to explode in a big energy boom. haven’t been able to fly with an unconcerned air since that day. i get on the plane and sit nervously. i peer out the window during take off making sure the wing on my side doesn’t immediately fall off. during turbulence i clutch things. and at the end i give a huge sigh of relief at still being alive.

so even though i am over-exuberantly happy to be going to see jason. i’ll only be able to be happy as long as i survive the trip.

in other fun related news. family guy came out on dvd for sale today. and on that note, “go back to your rice paddies, mulan!”


9 Responses to masql8r

  1. jason

    There are certain responsibilities that weigh heavily on our lives, Michele, but we must meet them with poise and humility.

    Yours is to get that DVD collection and invite your friend Jason over for a watching good time.

  2. tracy

    Yes, and invite Ian and Tracy.

    Michele, Family Guy is Ians’ favorite show. He was heart broken when it was taken off the air. It’s coming back, ya know? It will be on Adult Swim on the Cartoon Network, I think.

  3. kati

    I empathize with your fear of taking to the skies in a multi-ton hunk of rushy metal …and the uselessness of gripping the armrests and forgetting to breathe during the turbulent moments. The most consistently terrifying turbulence I have experienced is over the Pacific to New Zealand.

    I hope you had a safe journey, and that you have fun in the east!

  4. kati

    Umm… that’s rusty metal, not “rushy”. If you want to, Michelle, you can change it and take this one out … I’ll look like slightly less of an ass, then.

  5. james

    Hey michele, just thought that I would let you know, even though you won’t really care much, but I got a new computer. Just wanted to let you know.

  6. michele

    james, i appreciate the knowledge. i like knowledge.

    kati i’m sorry i didn’t really see this before. but it’s ok you don’t look like an ass, everyone does that all the time.

    tracy i think it’s just reruns though? jason and i have watched 2 discs of the 4 disc set of seasons 1 and 2 so far. sooo fucking funny.

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