June 2, 2003 by

i am precious, could i be your girl


Categories: Uncategorized

the funny thing is that i seem to always keep parts of my life a secret. i like secrets. i was also nervous to write about this here because 1) it felt a little too unreal to be true and speaking of it would have either popped it like a bubble or made it all too true and i don’t think i was ready for either of those possibilities. 2) i wasn’t sure if my cohorts knew of this page’s existence/read it at all and didn’t want to say anything in case it backfired on me for some reason. but now i realize that it is real and it might be happening and i can write about it here if i want as long as i don’t use anyone’s full name to confound search engines.

last year i took a class online on film theory thru this co-operation between ucla, the austrailian national film school, and some british film school conglomerate. it was fun and i wrote papers and watched films and did a lot of discussing on message boards and in the weekly chat room. some of this i have written about before on sushi.

anyway, within this class i hooked up with 3 other students to form a production company called S22. we’ve been meeting in chat rooms once a week since to talk about business, financing, scripts, directors, acting talent, etc. and now, NOW, we have a book turned into a screenplay, an interested british director, potentially 3.5 million dollars, and maybe, MAYBE, this man.

i’m still holding out for jomathan rhys meyer for one of the main roles, but everyone else is skeptical since he is supposedly “big” now. bah. he is indie, foreign big, not US big and if you’re not US big you’re still gettable in my opinion. …hmm apparently he’s going to be in an adaptation of ‘vanity fair’ with reese witherspoon. the man is on the cusp of bigness, dammit.

i am ashes, i am jesus…

14 Responses to i am precious, could i be your girl

  1. michele

    i love you for catching my references though. damn you for getting stuck in my head kfog archives!

    jason- i giggle madly *again* at the horrible cross-pollination of kutcher olsen.

    jacob- do da do da do inspector speculum do da do da do DOO DOO.

  2. michele

    i’ve heard it. and i’ve also had the rare pleasure of hearing you sing that song live. twice. once with jay and once with me in the car driving back from visiting kristen at castlewood country club after having gotten in and out frenchfries.

  3. erica

    long before i knew gene, i knew of his rendition of this song. seriously. i think you should do a little ditty for us at baseball on friday, gene. pretty please?

  4. didofoot

    i vote yes on that. and if he doesn’t remember that one, why then how about a round of “electric youth” by the immortal debbie gibson? eh, the lad?

  5. gene

    i can’t play guitar and most songs don’t sound very good acapella with one person. But wow, didn’t know people knew of that stuff. hmm. wow.

  6. michele

    i like to spread around info about people to all and sundry. like a disease. a foot in the mouth disease! athlete’s cunt!

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