September 29, 2003 by

scabies survivor


Categories: General

i had this other webpage. the scabies one. which was the first one gene gave me before i moved over to sushi. and now gene is moving everything from the east coast to the west coast and clearing stuff out in the process. so i am rescuing all that i care about from the scabies webpage to go here so that it can be deleted. i decided all i really wanted still on the internet from there was our haiku contest page. so here you shall find haiku war transplanted.

(it’s really long so i am making it an extended read)

(gene, feel free to delete scabies now)



out of sheer boredom. both with work and discussing gayness. i am starting a new page. a contest page! so the contest is to submit haikus and then we’ll judge them (group effort) and then the winner will get a prize. i welcome prize suggestions along with haiku submissions. however, let’s be honest it’s not going to be much of a prize. my thought so far is that maybe for the winner(s) s/he/they could request a favorite dessert and i could make it and we could have a party. a dessert-eating party. cause who doesn’t like dessert, right? the problem with this is obviously marina and jenny who live too far away to have a dessert eating party. so we would have to come up with a different prize if one of them won. which we could do. i have faith in our ability to come up with prizes. could always send cookies or something too. or brownies. or cake with the frosting in a can. whatever. hmmm…or also i just got some discount tickets for marine world. we could go there. and ……everybody could chip in to cover the winner’s ticket. once again damn you marina and jenny. and gene. and anyone else who lives far away. who would actually submit a haiku in the first place. well anyway let’s not let me get ahead of myself. no prizes need to be decided on until i see if anyone actually sends me a haiku.

(i knew i could count on jacob. the one person who is possibly more bored at work than i am.)

Discussing the gays

They trip the light fantastic

Everyone’s jealous


Soft white flakes drift down

Piled up drifts fell a tree

Life in dandruff hell


Soft tongue probes an ear

Panting excitement, hot breath

Dogs are sexual


wax build-up invites

my savage licking frenzy.

no one calls me dog.


i must make dessert.

meaningless, my life, this game,

i cannot win pie.


Jacob’s brain don’t work

I can feel my mind going

You damn dirty ape


Jacob bored at work?

Haikus take thirty seconds

Their joy lasts forever


August months drip sweat

Winter finds me icy cold

The life of a crotch


Birds twitter in trees

I contemplate rolling hills

Tube tops and hot pants


Sexual haikus

Consistent theme with Jacob

Dangerous at work


Whispering warm breeze

Soft grass lifts me towards the sky

Wolves devour squirrels


Sticky, salty, wet.

Oozing, coating private flesh.

No, it’s not butter.


Jesus-looking guy

Gets a hummer from a nun

Son of God snowballed


marina could date

and blow jesus looking guy.

why does she refuse?


Scratching itchy skin

Parasites now eating me

Scabies make me sad


jenny fucking nick

no fuck and i will be sick

come on jen, suck dick.


(oh shit i’m so sorry about that. i was trying to rhyme and it just came out.)

Michele’s dirty mind

Wishes Jenny oral sex

Someone is jealous


fellatio sucks

never again with some lucks

not even for bucks


Michele’s a bad sport

One should give, thusly receive

Spirit of Christmas


Slurp slurp slurp slurp slurp

Inappropriate haiku

Makes Michele saw “ew”


ew ew ew ew ew

ew ew ew ew ew ew ew

ew ew ew ew ew!


Nonsensical words?

Paronomastically, you

waste away the days.


Cosby lied to us,

There’s always room for Jell-o?

Not in bronchioles


Jenny, suck Nick’s dick,

Suck suck suck his dick dick dick,

Nick’s dick, a fine place to lick.


(oh, shit, I’m sorry about that too, but I was trying to rhyme “lick” and “Nick’s dick” and it just came out)

musical nonsense

papa’s tasty pizza crusts

friday night, okay?


cake is so yummy

cheese cake, angel food, carrot

cake- I eat them all


insane alcohol

it’s the BEST kind of party

dancing with lamp shades


You were born today

Birthday is a joyous thing

Closer to the grave


eight years till thirty

better start making babies

the clock is ticking


vote for me! I will

buy you all a tasty whore.

(gender of your choice.)


oh michele ma belle

something something french something

french, michele ma belle

ineedyou ineedyou i neeeeed you

that’s all i needed to say

iloveyou iloveyou i looooovvve you

-michele’s secret admirer/michele’s figmentative imagination/michele’s invisible friend/ michele’s sub-conscious desires/michele’s pathetic life.

I do not think so

even if nick were still here

I do not give head


Cheaters can suck it

Playah hatin’ my mad skillz

Moral victory

I’m talking to YOU, Ms. 10,000 votes.


with ten thousand votes

you can suck my fucking cock

moral vic. this, bitch.


This foolish contest

Makes a mockery of art–

I wish I could win.


Yes, Nick is long gone

But all hope is not yet lost

He is coming back.


Nick is coming back

But still I will not do him

Unhappy Michele.


Why should I do Nick

When I could be having sex

with eighteen year olds?


click here to see the poll results for whose haiku was the best.

click here to see the poll results for what the prize for the winner was. (although erica won by getting the porn story sequel. but maybe everyone was a winner in that case.)

3 Responses to scabies survivor

  1. michele

    i’m a little ashamed of the one where i called you a bitch. i was going for funny, but come of more mean. whose the bitch now? oh it’s me. or the past me who wrote that.

  2. dianna

    most esteemed jacob,

    in possession of the most

    one-track mind ever.

    and one might suspect

    michele craved victory and

    falsified that poll.

    this represents a

    dark day in our history.

    chastise yourselves please.

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