October 8, 2003 by

happy 25th birthday, erica


Categories: General

our freshman year of college we bonded over your desire for sam and my desire for someone to replace rachel in the basement.

our sophomore year we bonded over your desire for sam and my desire for kittens.

our junior year is kind of hazy, but i think we bonded over your growing disgust of sam and my continued desire for kittens.

our senior year you went gay and i had a breakdown in the face of bi!!’s g-to-the-ig.

first year post school we had bubble boy, dude where’s my car, and a plethora of WB shows.

second year post school you moved away.

and now here we are third year post school and you’re turning 25 (SO OLD 5 years till thirty) and what has really changed? no one speaks of sam anymore, i have too many kittens, you’re still gay, buffy got cancelled, i still have issues over g^the-ig, and you’ve moved again.

the question is, what will next year bring? i foresee a resurgence of sam. i think he will move to the bay area, as everyone and francesco has done, and you will run into him and then…and then…well, really he probably still looks like a dorrito , and has only man breasts so you will more than likely dismiss him from your path. perhaps g^the-ig will coincidentally arrive and be gay and then bill will pop up from the woodwork where he has been hiding all this while and assault you. he has it in him. manic-y. i’ll get another kitten (oh please, oh please). AND dude, where’s my car 2 will come out. one can dream.

happy birthday kooky wild child.

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