November 1, 2003 by



Categories: General

knowing as i do that you have all been terribly nervous and terribly irritated by my lack of job, i wanted to let everyone know that no longer must you curse my name every morning when you get up and work for 8 hours a day! because i got a job!

yes, it is true and i start on wednesday. and i will be working for the circus! circus people!


before you begin calling me a carnie, i would like to clarify that i am not working for just any circus, oh no, but the top tier french canadian cirque du soleil circus. so you should make sure to throw in some aboots when you pronounce “car-nay”.

this is admittedly a job which will only last me thru dec 22. but at this point i don’t care. money money money. circus circus circus.

the show i am working on is alegria. you can read more about the little circus kids going to school in trailers here. ahhhhh! it’s no zumanity, but that’s ok. (why did we never go to that? let’s go!)

8 Responses to alegria

  1. michele

    selling their smack. and by smack i mean hats, t-shirts, cd’s, fancy programs, magnets, who knows what all. i will soon know.

    i do not think i can sneak you in. i’m going to see if i can somehow broach the subject of comp tickets, but i’m afriad. but i will try. but you will not come up! you are working! shit! i don’t think my bro remembered to make your tattoo appt!

  2. michele

    you know what, girls? i can do all of those things because i’m a car-nay now. so don’t you fret, there’s plenty of circus goods to go around.

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