April 2, 2006 by

top 5 reasons why i like matt


Categories: General

5. after very little work i found a slightly embarrassing photo of him on the web.

4. he totally snitched the ‘right stuff’ rule to me.

3. he happily cheated at munchkin at my urging.

2. he’s irrepressible.

1. he called me a whore to my face. and we’ve only met twice!


6 Responses to top 5 reasons why i like matt

  1. BD

    Yeah, but I can’t tell the difference anyway. Thanks to all three of you!

    When you went to buy cake, I went searching for you and thought that you’d all just up and left. Turns out you were just being thoughtful. Thanks, Team Cake.

    What was the right stuff rule? I don’t think I actually heard when it was told.

  2. Matt

    You’ve posted an embarassing photo of me, AND given away all of my secrets! They’ll never let me play munchkin again!!

    While we’re talking about embarassing stuff, you didn’t mention that I peed on the street that day? Oh wait, maybe that’s on Christine’s lie-blog.

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