April 2, 2007 by

a blunderbus is a fun toy, but a ball of twine will last forever


Categories: General

this entry is about snot. just in case you were thinking of reading it, i warn you well in advance. you can’t claim ignorance now, friends.

after approximately 10 days of varying levels of violent and apathetic illness, i dragged myself to the doctor today. only to learn that i have double ear infections. when later questioned by my mom on the phone, she asked if this meant two in the same ear or one in each. you might think 2 in the same ear is impossible, but no, i’ve had that before. this time it’s more forthright, being one in each ear, and one only marginally worse than the other. how did this come about? well, first i had the flu. then i had a viral throat infection. throughout, i had a cold. a massive quantity of snot appears to exist in my head. i have not yet determined how this is possible, but i am vastly curious. as is the kleenex industry with an eye to profits since i’ve gone thru 3 boxes in a week. and now i have ear infections linked to a sinus infection. stupid snot.

in an attempt to catalog my woes to nuala earlier today, i compared blowing my nose to someone shoving an ice pick repeatedly in my right ear while punching me in the jaw. my left ear has gone round the bend and is basically incommunicado at this point. meaning, if you sit next to me at a dinner party don’t expect me to hear anything you say if you’re on my left.

at a dinner party last night where adam and erin brought together their two respective families to meet and exalt in the coming child, (at olde spaghetti factory), my mom sat on my left. more fool her. but even i–with my snot, my lack of hearing, and my general malaise–could sniff out the awkwardness of that first family gathering.

i am now watching the scifi channel show, eureka. which is weird and confusing and, so far, pretty enjoyable.

8 Responses to a blunderbus is a fun toy, but a ball of twine will last forever

  1. michele

    dianna, please, this is me. they are the softest of the soft with aloe AND vitamin E in them. i’m also thinking of buying myself several new pairs of shoes because i legitimately feel i deserve them. one pair is $65, but i think i’m not going to let that stop me.

  2. nuala

    I still laugh everytime I read that ice pick example. Not that I like the thought of you in pain but the idea of being stabbed with an ice pick and punched in the jaw…yea the image is comical to me.

  3. michele

    you are a sick, little, wierdo, freak girl.

    though i suppose, yeah, someone ACTUALLY being stabbed with an ice pick and punched in the jaw WOULD sort of be overkill.

    i’ve resisted blowing my nose so far this morning (and i’ve been awake all of half an hour!) but i’m going to go try it now. maybe it’s better!

  4. didofoot

    Listen, I don’t want to be morbid, but just in case you do actually die in the next few hours/days, remember you promised me a post-mortem postcard.

    If you don’t die…I still like postcards. Either way.

  5. didofoot

    I should clarify that I’m worried about you dying because it seems like Nuala is going to taunt you into performing some kind of ice-pick-to-the-ear experiment pretty soon.

    Otherwise, I pretty much believe what I’ve always believed: that you will one day die attempting to rescue a fuzzy kitten from some kind of natural disaster. Possibly while driving.

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