January 26, 2011 by



Categories: General, Tags: , ,

In Oregon this weekend, my family and I kidnapped my teenage cousin, Lacey, for a day in Portland at Powell’s. While there we hit up the Deschutes Brewery for some snacks and drinks (it’s like 3 blocks from the Land ‘O Books). Lacey spied a cute busser and proceeded to tell me how adorable he was ad nauseum. I stared at him politely for her sake. He did have a nice body. James (other cousin) took a different tack.

James: You think he’s cute?

Lacey: Yeah.

James: Maybe you should tell him so.

Me: What?

James: And take your picture with him.


Lacey: Maybe I will.

Me: (whimper)

2 minutes later of James being a goading terror.

Lacey: Michele, can I borrow your phone?

Me: Seriously!?!

lacey and brew boy.jpg

I can admit that my 16 year old cousin is much braver than me. And cunning with the artful lies to convince a stranger to take his picture with her.

5 Responses to Cousins

  1. Kristen

    P.S. I mean that in a benevolent, far-distant relation way, not a creepy, stalking minors on the internet way. Sigh. I wish the modern world did not require me to make that clear.

  2. michele

    she is so pretty. this new dark hair (new since xmas) is fabulous on her. also she is tall. grumble. everyone is taller than me.

    and don’t feel bad. i’m a little nervous that i have put up a picture of a guy i don’t know and mentioned his work place. unlikely though it is that he will ever ever find this.

  3. michele

    she said she was visiting from out of town and her friends back home were giving her grief that she wasn’t really in portland and she needed proof. he then asked where she was from and she (randomly) said fresno. i was like, really? but then he was from somewhere near hollister and was all friendly about it and good thing we all left then before she had to further the lie.

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