This week at my job we signed a new university to the product. Every time this happens, the sales person sends out an email to the office with details about the new school. This one said a lot of things. A lot of great things. But the most IMPORTANT thing it said was that they have, “the Goat Research Institute (whose mission it is to train people in the developing world how to grow goats)”.
Yes. You read that correctly.
Alison: wait don’t people in “the developing world” know all about goats? is goat raising not an ancient situation? sometimes all of this “school” nonsense chaps my ass
Alison: meanwhile sarah just asked me if she should buy a toaster oven or a microwave
Michele: these are the tough questions. the “biggies”. developing world’s are asking, “how do we raise goats? like our father’s father’s father? or like [name redacted to protect the innocent goats] University says?”