Categotry Archives: Movie Reviews


Dude where�s my car?

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This movie is fucking brilliant. I mean, I know it�s dumb. That the plot is dumb, the actors are actually dumb (over the top Giovanni). And the writing is dumb. And cinematically it has nothing to offer in the way of interest or breakthrough. But it is just so goddamm funny that I love it anyway. Any movie that can take as its premise the end of the world being aborted due to two stoners who can�t find their car is pretty fucking sweet in my book. With lines such as, �Dude where�s my car?� �Where�s your car, dude?� �Dude, where�s my car� �Where�s your car, dude?� Ah the scintallating conversation that just goes on and on and fucking on. I scream with laughter. Even though it�s not really all that funny. Something about stupidity appeals to me I guess. Maybe I gots a little of the Giovanni in me too. And maybe I just like the pretty colors, flashy lights, and cute boys.


Divine secrets of the ya ya sisterhood


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So good! The acting was superb. Now if only the man they had gotten to play Sandra Bullock�s fianc�e had been just a leeeettttle hotter. I mean he was hot, don�t get me wrong. Austrailian accents will do that for a fella, but he could have been so much HOTTER. Sigh. I was very disillusioned. About what? I have no idea.

Anyway, southern culture on the rocks (an apt way of putting it considering how much alcohol they drank.) I really should read the book to compare because I�m kind of curious if I would like the Vivi character more or less. I really want to like her more.

When we left the theatre I actually bemoaned the fact to my mother that she didn�t beat me enough in my childhood because if she had then perhaps I could be a published playwright already with things being produced on stages. She laughed at me and said it was never too late.



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Crappy dialogue. And yeah I get the whole melodramatic writing is all a part of comic books. But I think my dislike of it just proves hwo much I really don�t like comic books. Which probably also corresponds to my gi-normous dislike of �unbreakable.� My point here I think is that they could have made it a really good movie adaptation of a comic book while AT THE SAME TIME having decent dialogue. Apparently however this is just too much to ask.

On the other hand. Tobey and Kirsten. Good god. Such cuties. And did anyone else see the MTV movie awards spoof of it? Jack black and Sarah Michele Geller kissing. Ahhhhhh�..not quite as sexy perhaps to some, but if you�ve recently developed a jack black obsession as I have then it�s pretty damn appealing. Equally crappy dialogue in the spoof though really. Buffy actually said, �looks like I�ve found myself a co-host.� But she delivered it with such relish that I managed to gag my gag reflex.


Monsoon wedding

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Any movie where they randomly star singing Indian pop music has got to be good.

Also though surprisingly this movie had some very adult themes, such as incest/rape of a child by her uncle, which I was not expecting, and which were, I think, handled really well in their exposure and their conclusion. In addition I have to say that it is sublime how Indian filmmakers utilize color in their movies. It�s soo gorgeous and adds a lovely richness to the viewing experience.


Importance of being earnest

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Not as good as the book. What do you expect though I guess? Ideal husband made by the same people wasn�t nearly as good either. Very sad. Because it COULD be so good. Such wasted potential makes me sad. I was a little fascinated by the fact that they showed Lady Bracknell as having been a showgirl/prostitute on the London stage. Such liberties. But in a way it was kind of an awesome liberty to take. By giving her a �past� they gave her character (one of the shallowest in the play) an added depth that set her further apart from the others. Also cecily�s daydreaming sequences were masterfully done and, I felt, aptly illustrated the repressed imagination of a girl in that time period.


Undercover brother

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Basically the extreme absurdity of this movie worked in it�s favor brilliantly. There are so many random occurances that have absolutely no basis in reality or further the plot line in any way shape or form. Suspension of belief was called for and I complied to my utmost. If they wanted to have him suddenly be wearing funky clothes in replace of the j crew ones while flying through a window�I was good with that. If he wanted to swerve his car all over the place and have his orange crush be the center of the axis undisturbed by motion�I was merely impressed and eager to drive like that myself. And if a tumbleweed rolled across at the showdown on a gorgous island with no real plants�well that was just fine and dandy.

Also the fact that within the first 2 minutes of the movie his windshield got shat upon and the little flying man in my head screamed �I�m gonNNNAAA POOOOOOPPP ON IT!� was pretty fucking beautiful, let me tell you.


Life as a house

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Holy Christ. Is pretty much what I was thinking to myself while watching this movie. First off I was totally unaware of the cancer theme in it. So that was a bit of a shock. I mean mainly I was just watching it because of my newest infatuation with Christian haydenson. And boy oh boy did he fulfill my expectations. You know how watching star wars you�re like holy shit this is awful. Is he really that bad? And especially if you�ve seen him in that horrendous family drama, �higher ground� wherein he was the most whiny teenager I�ve ever had the misfortune of watching ( I say that now, but just wait till I have a teenager of my own. IF I have a teenager of my own. Ever.) ahem back to my point. Which was that in �life as a house� haydenson blew me out of the water. He was actually amazingly good! I was so impressed. And of course Kevin Kline and Kirsten Scott-Thomas were fantastic.

On the whole even though it was incredibly depressing and a little too close to home (well except my father didn�t try to build a house�.though there was that whole shed thing), a very very good movie, one which I would actually like to own.

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