twisting the knife
this weekend i went to santa barbara where i ate amazing food and dealt only with migrant farm-workers and not dirty hippies.
san ardo
on the way down i squealed in feigned terror while driving through san ardo. i had to take a mini step back though and realize the absurdity of my own reaction when i didn’t have sean in the car talking about slurping out my brain pan in a zombie voice. i think possibly i made up a little song about my brain pan, so delighted was i by the phrase. i don’t remember it now. and even if i did, i probably wouldn’t share it. who am i kidding, i would fully share it. i am the naked sushi girl without secrets.
gilroy outlet malls
why must they taunt me so?!?! et tu, dsw shoe warehouse?
willoughby the cat
argh! the cuteness! and the kitten-ness! he woke me up every morning at 6:30 by kneading my face and purring while sitting on my chin, but did i care?! no, i did not care! the most amazing thing about this cat? he thinks he’s a dog. much like the book ‘a dog called kitty’ but with less of the animal mutilation at the end of the story. why did someone give that to me to read when i was in 3rd grade? fucking scarred for life, people. willoughby plays fetch. HE PLAYS FETCH. better than most dogs i know too. except oreo. oreo is a champion fetcher. but willoughby will bring you a rubber-band over and over again every time you throw it for him. the same goes for water bottle caps. grah! the unmitigated cuteness, mommy-matching cuteness!
rosemary turned to me at one point in the van and whispered in a totally audible voice, ‘it’s so strange to see my girls with boys. i’m used to having them all to myself.’ seriously, the crazy PDA face-sucking behavior was likened (in my head) to the pornographic laurell k hamilton vampire/lycanthrope/necramancer nonsense entitled danse macrabe i read in quiet snatches all weekend. ha ha ha! if only the situations had been anything alike, but at the moment no baby scares seem imminent.
or DO they?
i still know nothing about wine. though i think i can now say with certainty that i like whites more than reds. this, i think, is a good lesson to have learned. though pam warned me that i would eventually like reds more once i knew anything about wine. ‘more variety and flavor,’ she claimed. i drunkenly agreed with her. what i do know for sure though is that being driven around in a giganto van with 9 other people and drinking a lot of wine in a gorgeous valley is the way i’d like to spend everyday. the scenery, conversation, food, and drinks were all incredible.
of course i took them. other people had cameras too so there’s got to be some more photos out there. potentially of me even. though there are some of me even in my photos. the amazing thing about these photos is that the cuteness leaps out of the frame and bites you on the nose. with cute love. so maybe more like an eskimo kiss than a bite. i’m just jumping to biting first because my personality is a little too anita blake-infused right now (and not for the first time). also i deleted down from 200 to 72. helped a little along the way by adie who commandeered the camera to delete what she perceived as awful photos of herself. she’s crazy and gorgeous and thus a little crazy gorgeous but maybe not crazy like kirsten dunst in that crazy/gorgeous movie.
mad props
are due to nuala who planned and executed the entire weekend from dinner on saturday to hangovers on monday. from cafe zaytoon’s dinner watching rosemary push dollar bills into the belly dancer’s bra, to the first sip of the amazing winery tour, to drunken yells of “i love you more” across the backyard BBQ, to the morning after’s embarrassed laughter. nuala, it was an amazing weekend and that is completely due to you. thank you thank you for i had so much fun.
so ‘happy birthdays’ are in order
and the order of the day. live long and prosper/procreate/procrastinate. whatever. follow the first half at least.