October 17, 2007 by

leah pipes part 2


Categories: General

i don’t know how many of you remember leah pipes and my assertion that she’s the poor man’s amanda bynes…wait, it was the other way around.


the point is that she’s now on a CW show which is a remake of a british show that was on last year (goddamn american shows and their co-opting of british television. seriously, people, grow some fucking ingenuity of your own). this show is called life is wild, i find it amusing because it’s set in africa and there’s baby lion cubs. maybe “amusing” is the wrong word. though i do wish i had a baby lion. dammit.

what i’m fascinated by (besides leah pipes) is leah pipe’s weight. yes. you heard me correctly. there was a scene in sunday’s episode where she was running away from a lion (where is my lion, people?) and she had like an actual ass. an ass, people! lions and asses! it’s like a nature show. asses in the wild! your neighborhood ass munched by lion! baby water buffaloes have thick skin! thank you, kelly from the office.

at the moment i am hating on skinny people and the people who love them. thus, leah pipe’s ass on television made my day. let me give you some back-story. i was emailing with marina and i mentioned something about the milo ventigigigugmiglia and hayden panetttiieirieere rumor. marina, with her insider info from milo’s ex-girlfriend replied the following:

milo doesn’t have a new girlfriend (at least if you’re thinking it’s the chearleader chick). according to my co-worker, he likes his girls super thin and hayden is “too fat” for him. at that point i would have wrung his neck if i could have.

fucking milo/jess/peter. i don’t know if i’ll ever be able to watch gilmore girls season 2 again. and i LOVE ggirls season 2.

now the question is if leah pipes will come and comment on my page again. and if she does, how offended will she be with my ass fascination? first it was teeth and now this. it’s not really casting me in a flattering light. well, we can’t all be pixel perfect. ha ha ha. dammit, that was a crappy pun, who am i kidding.

annnnd cue distraction!


ooooooo baby lion cub! so cute!!!!!

7 Responses to leah pipes part 2

  1. Dianna

    I had a dream last night that involved baby lion cubs. Unfortunately, someone was using them in an experiment testing would happen if they were made to jump off the top of a tall cliff. There was one fuzzy adorable one that was okay and the rest, not so much.

    Also, they had really big feet.

  2. Michele

    Aw, Leah. Every time you come and comment on my blog I get a little thrill and also a little perplexed bafflement. Don’t you have better things to do? Are actors really people too? DO YOU PUT YOUR PANTS ON ONE LEG AT A TIME?

    I love how you have come to my blog AGAIN and commented on it. Five years later or not, It’s still delightful. I’m going to have to carefully consider what body part of yours to write about next (that’s not creepy at all. Oh wait, YES IT IS. I’m very sorry I wrote that. I shall now carefully avoid all mention of your body henceforth. So creepy. Sorry.)

    I just went to check your IMDB page to see what you’ve been up to. HAPPY BIRTHDAY–to you and your 24 year old ass. =)

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