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Birthday List


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Top 10 Reasons Gene’s Birthday is Great.

10. He turned another year older which Kristen is grateful for because apparently being the same age freaks her out.

9. He’s older than me now also and I can mock him for a good 2 and a half months until I too turn 31.

8. Beer.

7. Adam got drunk enough day of to blearily agree to drive me to festivities on day 2.

6. Beer (I did have 2, it counts twice)

5. Beatles Rock Band in 3 part harmony

4. Spatzle

3. Apple Struedel

2. Pictures

1. New Moon came out!! Go Go, Team Jacob!

Happy Birthday, Gene!


NaNo Tangent


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Brother calls as he is wont to do while driving around the country for his job. Today I attempt to get rid of him by saying I need to go back to writing my book.

You’re writing a book?


Like your memoirs?

Ha ha ha ha! What would that even be about?

Sat on the couch. Read a book. 2pm! Made cookies.

Ate most of the cookie dough before could turn into cookies.

2 cookies left.

Fish Styx was hungry! I fed him.

Not cookies. Cat food.

Had some cat food myself.

Have little to no shame left.


One Week In


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It’s the seventh day of NaNo. On the 7th day in the Bible, God rested. But not me! I NaNo’d.

It’s going pretty well so far. I’ve maintained my one chapter/approx 2,000 words a day plan. Frankly I’m kind of impressed with myself. Which, you know, is why I’m sacrilegiously comparing myself to God.

A lot of time this week was spent trying to convince Kris that we should pull an all-nighter write-in at a hotel. Nuala! Get us a hotel room with a view! We could order room service and write. And maybe take a bubble bath and sleep on a heavenly hotel bed. I do not know why I am so obsessed with hotel rooms lately. But I wish someone would oblige my desires.

Current Word Count: 16,043

P.S. Happy 30th Birthday, Jason! 7th day of the month: Jason and Josh were born. And then God rested.




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I remember back in the day when I was just entering into my teenage years of angst that the thought of additional girls to my maternal extended family was enough to drive me into a rage of epic proportions. I liked being the only one; I craved being special. Some of this could be blamed on hormones, but mostly it was my extreme hatred for anything new that would change my established routine and experience. Now that I’m older (and wiser) I’ve come to see that girls are GREAT. What’s not to love when new additions to the family included Katherine, Lacey, and Isabella?

And soon now (well in March) there will be another girl! A new baby niece to adore and I am so excited. Kudos to John and Katherine for procreating females. Girls rule, boys drool. (Well, really all babies drool at first).


Not Katherine’s fetus.



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October was kind of ridiculous. I thought September was all bad ass with 48 books read. October kicked September’s patootie into the ground and then stomped on it a few times for good measure.


Books Read: 66 (+2 unfinished)

Books Bought: 21

Books from Library: 22

Books Loaned/Given: 4

Money spent (approximately): $100 (curse my inveterate spending.)

Favorite Books: Fruits Basket Vols. 1-23 by Natsuki Takaya and The Thirteenth Child by Patricia C. Wrede

Other Worthies: Ill Wind by Rachel Caine, The Tapestry: The Second Siege by Henry H. Neff, Graceling and Fire by Kristin Cashore, English as a Second Language by Megan Crane, Tempt me at Twilight by Lisa Kleypas, and all the Julia Quinn books I read from the Bridgerton series.

Least Favorite Book was a toss up between: Cowboy Feng’s Space Bar and Grill by Steven Brust and Dead Girl’s Dance by Rachel Caine (these are the 2 I didn’t finish)

Books remaining on To-Be-Read-Shelf: 23

Number of Boxes of Books for Sale: Still 5, but an overflowing 5. Seriously I need to get rid of these.

It should probably be noted that 37 of the books I read this month were manga. I’d say that maybe 5 of those counts as one actual book just in terms of how long it takes me to read them. 12 of the books I read in September were also actually manga. These are probably inflating my numbers. But at least I’m admitting it here.

23 of the manga read this month were of the Fruits Basket series. So good. Man, I’ve seen the TV anime of it multiple times but I’d never read the whole series before. The library had most of the ones I didn’t already own and I just tore through them. I had to keep going back and checking the last image of the last book a couple days in a row before I could finally stand to give them up and return them to the library. It was so perfect and made me so happy. Now I want to own them all.

The Thirteenth Child, my other favorite book of the month, is by an author I have long liked. I read Wrede’s Dragon series multiple times as a stripling and was both amazed and delighted that she suddenly had a new series coming out that I had been unaware of prior to seeing it in my mom’s Scholastic order catalog. So not only was it a miracle, it was also free since mom gets stuff gratis from Scholastic when her 4th graders place orders. And then it turned out to be really good! It reminded me a lot of Robin McKinley’s Dragonhaven just because of the world building as seen through the eyes of the main character. It’s an impressive feat to present an entire story based around the POV of one character. Wrede doesn’t do it in quite the way McKinley did, but I read it as similar all the same.

I have also now read all 4 of Megan Crane’s books and stand by my statement that she’s a female Jonathan Tropper. Everyone Else’s Girl and English as a Second Language are definitely her best two. I liked Frenemies and Names my Sisters Call me but not nearly as much. Anyway, if you like Tropper (and if you don’t, you should: especially How To Talk to a Widower) then you should give Crane a chance. Or if you just like amusing, well-written light fiction (yes, ok, it’s basically chick lit), then you should try Crane.

All right! Onwards into November then. Don’t look for much though since I will be trying to devote several hours a day to my own writing, I will probably not be reading so much of others’. November should be a slow month for reading. Though the new Ouran High School Host Club is coming out. And a new Margaret Mahy. And the new John Flanagan (which I totally ordered from Australia already). And and and….sigh. There goes my bank balance.




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Thoughts on my first day of writing a novel:

  • It was easier than I thought. Which probably does not bode well. I mean, if I did so great today than I’m probably just going to get over-confident and not write tomorrow and then I’ll fall behind and then I’ll never think I can catch up and then I’ll just give up and be a NaNo failure. Again.
  • I wrote a whole chapter! And then some!
  • Jenny emailed me with a pep talk! Well her pep talk basically only said, “WRITE.” And yes, it was all in capitals. Then she talked about how great “The Hunger Games” was and I could only nod in violent agreement with her.
  • I feel sort of disassociated from what I’m writing. It’s weird. I’ll go back to read something over or add a word or something and I’ll get sort of intrigued by the dialogue or whatever and forget that I wrote it. It’s whole pages of writing and I kind of feel as if it just appeared there with no mediation by me. Though my wrist and gimp elbow tells me a different story.

Current Word Count: 2,942


Nyan Koi!

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There is a new anime I just discovered titled “Nyan Koi!”. This is the description:

Kousaka Junpei is a second-year high school student who despises cats and has an allergy to them. It just so happens that his high school crush is Mizuno Kaede, a girl who adores cats. One day, while walking home from school, Junpei kicks an empty can and unfortunately beans the local neko-jizou-sama (guardian deity of cats). He finds he can now understand what cats are saying, including his family’s own ill-tempered cat, Nyamusasu. However, if he does not grant 100 wishes from cats, he will turn into a cat himself.

It’s like it was made for me! I will let you know my thoughts once I watch an episode.

p.s. The Max costume I made long ago has passed on to Lucas. Tyler is a Spy this year.

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